Doctoral Program in Accounting, Reporting, and Taxation (DART)

The Doctoral Program in Accounting, Reporting, and Taxation (DART-Program) offers a stimulating learning and research environment with financial support to outstanding students from around the world.

DART offers an internationally accepted program for educating young talent in accounting. The doctoral program aims at training future leaders in accounting research and in specialist areas of practice to combine a strong tradition in institutions and norms with an emphasis on international state-of-the-art research methodology. The faculty involved in DART is well positioned to provide training for doctoral students and to supervise their research. A distinguishing feature of DART is the focus on an internationally accepted research methodology in accounting. DART offers the opportunity to conduct research in the following research areas:

  • Auditor regulation and audit quality 
  • Accounting and corporate governance
  • Taxation and incentives
  • Managerial performance measurement
  • Financial reporting quality

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